Welcome to my newly designed Tre Cool website, Tre Cool Is Fine.
This page, I hope will have all of the information that you will ever need to know about Tre Cool, and if not, you can e-mail
me with your questions, and I will do my very best to answer thoughs questions for you.
So, I hope you enjoy the site, and learn all you can/want to about
the best drummer in the world. Please e-mail me with comments, or ideas for improvement to the site.
A message for visitors:
Thank you so much for visiting my site, thanks to new visitors,
regular visitors and from all of you spreading the word about my website, I have managed to get far more pageviews on the
site than I had ever imagined.
So thank you so much to everyone who has ever visited.
Thank you
Emma - Owner/Creator
Site Updates
23/12/05 - For those peoplw who have emailed me about the audio problems.
There was problems with the original source. So, as a result of this, I will be deleting the audio page, and will hopefully
be putting Green Day audio on my original website Green Day Guys Are Fine.
21/07/05 - Welcome to the newly updated Tre Col Is Fine website.
Enjoy, and please e-mail me and let me know what you think.